Friday, July 15, 2011
Google history
Google arguably the initial formation by chance in January 1996 two PhD students atStanford University, Calif., named Larry Page and Sergey Brin do research on a search engine that analyzed the relationships between websites. with Indonesian
Thursday, July 14, 2011
How to Enrol Blog to Google Index

Well, for that, blog friends should be included in the index search engines . This time, I want to register to share experiences on the blog to google search engine. Google is a search engine most used by internet visitors. Registered in Google's index, is the first step to get visitors to your blog friends.
Fortunately, Google has been providing services to mendafarkan a new website or blog so that their search engine indexed. Therefore, for flattening blog friends to Google is very easy to do.Simply fill out the registration form only three columns, a friend will get a list of google index.
It should be remembered, that blog friends will not soon be listed in google index. Most rapidly, usually takes at least three days to one week. To speed up the indexing process, which should be best friends do, is to update the blog friends are scheduled, and if possible as often as possible. That way, the robot spidernya Google will visit blog friends and indexing.
Well, here's how to register a blog friend in Google:
1. Open / type address in the browser (or a friend can use the google search engine services, type in: google index). friends will go to the home page google submit url.
2. Complete the form.
a. URL
Fill in the URL address of a friend in this column. Example:
b. Comment
Fill in the keyword or description of the blog friends. But it could also be emptied.
c. Word Verification
Type the characters / letters that friends see. This was done to verify that the friend is really human, not a robot program.
3. Click the button Add URL
4. Only that, Wait a few days to blog friends indexed.
• To check, a friend can go directly to .
· Then type the name of the blog friends in the search field.
· Click the search button.
• If your blog will be indexed friend listed on search results pages
· There may not be on the first page, look at next page
Well, if friends want indexed in search engines, best friends are now looking for the address submit its URL. Or you can also use the help
html color code
html color code Exc:white=>ffffff
#FOF8FF Aliceblue |
#FAEBD7 Antiquewhite |
#00FFFF Aqua |
#7FFFD4 Aquamarine |
#F0FFFF Azure |
#F5F5DC Beige |
#FFE4C4 Bisque |
#000000 Black |
#FFEBCD Blanchedalmond |
#0000FF Blue |
#8A2BE2 Blueviolet |
#A52A2A Brown |
#DEB887 Burlywood |
#5F9EAD Cadetblue |
#7FFF00 Chartreuse |
#D2691E Chocolate |
#FF7F50 Coral |
#64950 Cornflowerblue |
#FFF8DC Cornsilk |
#DC143C Crimson |
#00FFFF Cyan |
#00008B Darkblue |
#008B8B Darkcyan |
#B8860B Darkgoldenrod |
#A9A9A9 Darkgray |
#006400 Darkgreen |
#8B008B Darkmagenta |
#BDB76B Darkkhaki |
#556B2F Darkolivegreen |
#FF8C00 Darkorange |
#9932CC Darkorchid |
#8B0000 Darkred |
#E9967A Darksalmon |
#8FBC8B Darkseagreen |
#483D8B Darkslateblue |
#2F4F4F Darkslategray |
#00CED1 Darkturquoise |
#9400D3 Darkviolet |
#FF1493 Deeppink |
#00BFFF Deepskyblue |
#696969 Dimgray |
#1E90FF Dodgerblue |
#B22222 Firebrick |
#FFFAF0 Floralwhite |
#228B22 Forestgreen |
#FF00FF Fuchsia |
#DCDCDC Gainsboro |
#F8F8FF Ghostwhite |
#FFD700 Gold |
#DAA520 Goldenrod |
#808080 Gray |
#008000 Green |
#ADFF2F Greenyellow |
#F0FFF0 Honeydew |
#FF69B4 Hotpink |
#CD5C5C Indianred |
#4B0082 Indigo |
#FFFFF0 Ivory |
#F0E68C Khaki |
#E6E6FA Lavender |
#FFF0F5 Lavenderblush |
#7CFC00 Lawngreen |
#FFFACD Lemonchiffon |
#ADE8E6 Lightblue |
#F08080 Lightcoral |
#E0FFFF Lightcyan |
#FAFAD2 Lightgoldenrodyellow |
#90EE90 Lightgreen |
#D3D3D3 Lightgray |
#FFB6C1 Lightpink |
#FFA072 Lightsalmon |
#20B2AA Lightseagreen |
#87CEFA Lightskyblue |
#778899 Lightslategray |
#B0C4DE Lightsteelblue |
#FFFFE0 Lightyellow |
#00FF00 Lime |
#32CD32 Limegreen |
#FAF0E6 Linen |
#FF00FF Magenta |
#800000 Maroon |
#66CDAA Mediumaquamarine |
#0000CD Mediumblue |
#BA55D3 Mediumorchid |
#9370DB Mediumpurple |
#3CB371 Mediumseagreen |
#7B68EE Mediumslateblue |
#00FA9A Mediumspringgreen |
#48D1CC Mediumturquoise |
#C71585 Mediumvioletred |
#191970 Midnightblue |
#F5FFFA Mintcream |
#FFE4E1 Mistyrose |
#FFE4E1 Moccasin |
#FFDEAD Navajowhite |
#000080 Navy |
#FDF5E6 Oldlace |
#808000 Olive |
#6B8E23 Olivedrab |
#FFA500 Orange |
#FF100%0 Orangered |
#DA70D6 Orchid |
#EEE8AA Palegoldenrod |
#98FB98 Palgreen |
#AFEEEE Paleturquoise |
#DB7093 Palevioletred |
#FFEFD5 Papayawhip |
#FFDAB9 Peachpuff |
#CD853F Peru |
#FFC0CB Pink |
#DDA0DD Plum |
#B0E0E6 Powderblue |
#800080 Purple |
#FF0000 Red |
#BC8F8F Rosybrown |
#4169E1 Royalblue |
#8B4513 Saddlebrown |
#FA8072 Salmon |
#F4A460 Sandybrown |
#2E8B57 Seagreen |
#FFF5EE Seashell |
#A0522D Sienna |
#C0C0C0 Silver |
#87CEEB Skyblue |
#708090 Slategray |
#FFFAFA Snow |
#00FF7F Springgreen |
#4682B4 Steelblue |
#D2B48C Tan |
#008080 Teal |
#D8BFD8 Thistle |
#FF6347 Tomato |
#40E0D0 Turquoise |
#EE82EE Violet |
#F5DEB3 Wheat |
#FFFFFF White |
#F5F5F5 Whitesmoke |
#FFFF00 Yellow |
#9ACD32 Yellowgreen |
Making Read More (Read more) or Ekspandabel Post in blogspot
If a friend had to change blog template friend, maybe a friend would feel something was missing from the new look blog friends. Look, do not look friendly blog article too long?.If a friend makes an article by a certain length, then all parts of the article will be displayed. This makes it appear less attractive blog friends and readers bother to look at all the title of the article on the front page of blog friends.
It happened because the Companions have not added the code "Read More" (Expandable Post Summaries) in the template friend. If a friend has been added, then only a portion of the article companions are shown. The rest will be hidden and only displayed when the interested reader to continue reading and press the link or button "Read More".
If friends are interested to make it then the way is the following:
1. Go into your blogger account. Com friend
2. Check the settings and then check the page formatting
3. add the following code in the post box templates
<span class="fullpost">
</ Span> Then Go to the layout
4. Save
5. Go to page layout, edit checks Templates
6. Check the boxes expand widget templates
7. It is better to download all the templates companions. If there be a mistake Companions lived upload again
8. Find the following code:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div class='post-body'>
(Can also like: <div class='post-body entry-content'>, Just search the most similar)
9. If so, add the following code below:
It happened because the Companions have not added the code "Read More" (Expandable Post Summaries) in the template friend. If a friend has been added, then only a portion of the article companions are shown. The rest will be hidden and only displayed when the interested reader to continue reading and press the link or button "Read More".
If friends are interested to make it then the way is the following:
1. Go into your blogger account. Com friend
2. Check the settings and then check the page formatting
3. add the following code in the post box templates
<span class="fullpost">
</ Span> Then Go to the layout
4. Save
5. Go to page layout, edit checks Templates
6. Check the boxes expand widget templates
7. It is better to download all the templates companions. If there be a mistake Companions lived upload again
8. Find the following code:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div class='post-body'>
(Can also like: <div class='post-body entry-content'>, Just search the most similar)
9. If so, add the following code below:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<style>. fullpost {display: inline;} </ style>
<p> <data:post.body/> </ p>
<style>. fullpost {display: none;} </ style>
10. Look down, friends will find the code:
<p> <data:post.body/> </ p>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <! - clear for photos floats ->
</ Div>
11.Nah, in between the code:
<p> <data:post.body/> </ p>
<div style='clear: both;'/> <! - clear for photos floats ->
Add the following code:
<a expr:href='data:post.url'> Read more>> </ a>
</ B: if>
12. If you've saved the template friend.
Now try to edit one of the posts Companions:
Add Code:
<span class="fullpost">
</ Span>
1. Type in the Edit HTML
Choose the best friend wants a summary article a friend, or to be displayed on the page blog friends. Put the code:
<span class="fullpost">
2. Code
</ Span>Companions place at the very bottom, so that the articles will be between code tersebunyi
<span class="fullpost">
</ Span>
2. If you have, save it back to the article friend.
3. Just look at the display blog friends a new one.
4. Done.
Adsense Tips And Tricks [Download Application]
Wew, come back with me after a few days rest due to tired to Bandung joined the "Security Day With Jasakomers" .
Fun is also the show because almost all Moderators come, mantep dah ...
Okay back to the topic, back to adsense neh. You all have to know what it's adsense and in Indonesia there are several services Adsense which we can use, among others AdsenseCamp and kumpulblogger .
Well I used this time is kumpulblogger , honest dah few times I got banned because - because using Click Jacking or Auto Click ... Gloomy really even get money every week as well.
Well on my conversion this time
Quote although I think you guys put in strategic places people want to work less to click. Huh, i dont think so ...
Some websites could be an inspiration to me like ...
Indowebster , once when we want to download something we definitely will in the love that will link to a website and the website will have links to the file that you want to download. Well the conclusion (what gak gak tau bener) the website uses the services of the website and certainly Indowebster get a script that is usually in place in the footer where the appearance of links to files we are looking for. Unfortunately I do not know how to script it ...
The second is Themeforest Blog . In each video tutorials always display video ads at the beginning and we have to click or wait until it runs out of new video ad after the video that we want to watch will be displayed.

How? Interesting is not it? Perhaps there are many more tips and tricks that we can use other than that.
Well on this occasion I will give you some tips and tricks as well as create applications that we can use to increase our adsense traffic ie Download Application.
The method is simple, we just create a link which when downloaded will open three browser tabs. 2 is a adsense link us and one of his is the file we want to share / download.
I honestly not know what method is not kosher, do with your own risk ...
Here I will make as simple as possible and I expect to return to your own development. Make 2 pieces the download.php file andstyle.css.
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / EN" ""> <html xmlns = "http : / / "> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title> Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.</ title> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css" type = "text / css" media = "screen" charset = "utf-8" /> </ head> <div <body> id="atas"> <a href=""> <img src = "logo.png" alt = "Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::." /> </ A> </ div> id="page-wrap"> <? Php $ link1 = ""; $ Link2 = ""; if ($ _GET [download] == 'belajarphpdanmysqlbarengnewbiev1') {echo "<h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> ";} elseif ($ _GET [download] == 'devilzc0deezine1') {echo" <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> ";} elseif ($ _GET [download] == 'fakeloginsesukamu') {echo" <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> ";} else {echo" <h2> File Not Found </ h2> ";}?> </ Div> id="bawah"> <strong> Copyleft By < a href = " ">.::[ †] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.</ a> | 2010 </ strong> </ div> </ body> </ html >
<? Php $ Link1 = ""; $ Link2 = ""; if ($ _GET [download] == 'belajarphpdanmysqlbarengnewbiev1') { echo " <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> "; } elseif ($ _GET [download] == 'devilzc0deezine1') { echo " <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> "; } elseif ($ _GET [download] == 'fakeloginsesukamu') { echo " <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> "; } else { echo " <h2> File Not Found </ h2> "; } ?>
$ Link1 = ""; $ Link2 = "";
if ($ _GET [download] == 'belajarphpdanmysqlbarengnewbiev1') { echo " <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> "; } elseif ($ _GET [download] == 'devilzc0deezine1') { echo " <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> "; } elseif ($ _GET [download] == 'fakeloginsesukamu') { echo " <h2> <a href = 'javascript src = 'download.png' alt = 'Hacking, Web Design And Resources For Newbie |.:: [†] Cruz3N's Blog [† ]::.' /> </ A> </ h2> "; } else { echo " <h2> File Not Found </ h2> "; }
Well to style.css was as follows.
* {Margin: 0; padding: 0;} body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: # fff;} a {text-decoration: none; outline: none;} a img {border: none;} h2 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 36px; text-align: center; font-weight: normal;} # Page-wrap {background: # fff; width: 500px; margin: 150px auto; padding: 5px 0;} # Top {background: # 000; margin: 0px auto; padding: 5px 0; text-align: center; position: relative; width: 100%;} # Bottom {text-align: center; padding: 5px 0; width: 100%;}
Possible weaknesses and difficulties later we had was when going to file the more we want to share. Kinda hard to add the file download.php. The trick is possible using the database. Cuman right from the beginning I explained very simple. Development back to you.
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