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Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to Enrol Blog to Google Index

If a friend has managed to create a blog on , then the next step to do is publish a blog friend of a friend.The easiest way, of course register blogs companions to various search engines. Why? For most visitors will first go to search engines, to search for certain keywords that they want. They will not memorize the experience of thousands of URLs for particular keywords is not it? 
Well, for that, blog friends should be included in the index search engines . This time, I want to register to share experiences on the blog to google search engine. Google is a search engine most used by internet visitors. Registered in Google's index, is the first step to get visitors to your blog friends. 
Fortunately, Google has been providing services to mendafarkan a new website or blog so that their search engine indexed. Therefore, for flattening blog friends to Google is very easy to do.Simply fill out the registration form only three columns, a friend will get a list of google index. 
It should be remembered, that blog friends will not soon be listed in google index. Most rapidly, usually takes at least three days to one week. To speed up the indexing process, which should be best friends do, is to update the blog friends are scheduled, and if possible as often as possible. That way, the robot spidernya Google will visit blog friends and indexing. 
Well, here's how to register a blog friend in Google: 
1. Open / type address in the browser (or a friend can use the google search engine services, type in: google index). friends will go to the home page google submit url. 
2. Complete the form. 
a. URL 
Fill in the URL address of a friend in this column. Example: 
b. Comment 
Fill in the keyword or description of the blog friends. But it could also be emptied. 
c. Word Verification 
Type the characters / letters that friends see. This was done to verify that the friend is really human, not a robot program. 
3. Click the button Add URL 
4. Only that, Wait a few days to blog friends indexed. 
• To check, a friend can go directly to . 
· Then type the name of the blog friends in the search field. 
· Click the search button. 
• If your blog will be indexed friend listed on search results pages 
· There may not be on the first page, look at next page 
Well, if friends want indexed in search engines, best friends are now looking for the address submit its URL. Or you can also use the help

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