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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Support Honesty as the foundation akhlakul Karimah

Mrs. Siami never imagined sincere intention to teach honesty to their children instead reap disastrous. Residents of West Sari Jl Gadel, District Tandes, Surabaya, was expelled hundreds of residents after she reported the teacher that forced the SDN Gadel two children, provides a cheat sheet to his friends during the national exam in May 2011 and 10-12. One more test for an honest act ... ..

Many people who know that honesty is something that is very expensive. Maybe so expensive so it is rarely found in ordinary people. Only people who alone is remarkable still capable of holding the "embers" honesty in his life. However I am sure that everyone in his innermost conscience would want to live in honesty. But because demand is so great importance to make them have to give up his honesty temporary.

How many people today who live in dishonesty in pursuit of worldly pleasure or prestige alone. A principal would feel insulted if their students are many who do not pass, not to mention a bad advertisement for the recruitment of prospective new students to come. A student would feel embarrassed if it does not pass, parents scolded and had to repeat the same class is a disgrace. So cheating on halalkan.

Dalan households sometimes we see a husband who was so cruel to his wife or his son .... Er husband was so out of it so easily spread a smile to everyone who met her husband as if it wanted to show everyone that he was a friendly and not grumpy . Similarly, for the wife, sometimes after angry with her husband and her children are at home ... .. uh so out of the house with wearing make up an intriguing attempt to greet his colleagues in such ramahnya as if the wife is the wife of a flawless and best wife in his life.

Indeed, sometimes we often pretend to behave in this life, whether we intentionally to cover up evil or just looking for attention of people around us.

People who are able to defeat the urge desires to do right even though in a state of dire need, it means he has won a huge battle, fighting the urge to beat the passions which are always told to do evil. Eventually the person will have a heightened awareness that even though no one else saw him cheating or maksiyat, but his heart is very sure that God exists and is know about the incident. Man is able to hide from sight a fellow human being but he will not be able to hide from the sight of Allah is Seer.

In the days that are not as stable as now we can see, many people are clever intellect, but his heart silly, many are rich in wealth but poor in soul. Not a few people who respected his position but lost his honesty, and more bertam-even betrayal.

Many people who deliberately destroy his kindness and racing adds ugliness. Humans now have a rare respect for others because of the glory of behavior, but more were added a lot of people who value human beings because of high rank, place and position and number of jewelry world. With that basis it is not strange that today more people are competing to accumulate wealth and the pursuit of status even though the road is not good.

They no longer care about halal or haram, may or may not, so they do not want to know where the right of him and where the rights of others.

Though Allah and His Messenger have taught people to always do right and noble. God has said in the letter al-qur'an al-Baqoroh verse 42 means:

ولا تلبسوا الحق بالباطل وتكتموا الحق وأنتم تعلمون
"And do not you mix the mortar of truth with falsehood and do not hide the truth, but you know it",

and the Prophet Muhammad has said:

عن ابى بكر الصديق رض قال: قال رسول الله ص: عليكم بالصدق, فانه مع البر و هما فى الجنة. و اياكم و الكذب, فانه مع الفجور و هما فى النار
Of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq RA he said: Rasulullah SAW said, "Compulsory upon you to be honest, because honestly it with goodness, and both are in heaven. And keep yourself from lies, because lies with iniquity, and both are in hell ". [HR. Ibn Hibban in Shahihnya, chapters 5, p.. 368, no. 5743]

Therefore, tausiyah between us now is the suggestion to always maintain the values ​​of honesty within ourselves through the maintenance qolbu and manners of each of us. Then tell was the values ​​of honesty to our children since they were toddlers. Appreciate our children when they do right and give warning and understanding when they do lie and berhianat. Because honesty is a good which is very valuable and hard to get, if maintained properly will bring us live happily in the world and in nature baqa.

Conversely, if not properly maintained will be lost honesty from ourselves and the world and will lead to misery hereafter.

Do not believe the talk circulating in the streets that many people say that berakhlaq not good, they say that "who is honest would break" or who is honest would in the grave. But trust me with all my heart from the words of the wise that "honest people must have luck". Or honest people would prosper. It is probably the first people who cheat are lucky, all his life as easy, but look at the end of his life's journey is not long their advantage, changing distress joy, prosperity gave way to tears, humiliation kemulyaan change. While honest people in the beginning was not so fortunate or even distress, but in the end he remained a very happy eternal glory that never stops in the world continues into the afterlife.

Heart relationship with the person's behavior is a reciprocal relationship, which one affects the other. Heart patterned on behavior as well as on the contrary behavior would give effect to the liver. A good heart will guide one's behavior to become good, good behavior will condition the heart to be good. Similarly, a good heart that does not encourage one to behave well and bad behavior that will cause liver damage. Because every bad behavior done will cause irregular heart vibrate and if the situation continued to be resulted, involving about a bad mood.

عن الحسن بن علي رض قال: حفظت من رسول الله ص: دع ما يريبك الى ما لا يريبك. فان الصدق طمأنينة, و الكذب ريبة
Of Hasan bin Ali RA he said: I memorized from the Messenger of Allah (he said), "Leave nothing to doubt (Switch) to what is not doubt, because honestly it is calm and lying it is doubt". [HR. Tirmidhi and he said: Hasan Saheeh Hadith, in the At-Targhiib Tarhiib wat, juz 3, p.. 589]

What is clear dishonesty will cause liver damage, and if left unchecked will cause the liver is severely damaged, but the heart is the essence of life when his heart is good then all life will be good, otherwise if the liver is not good then all life would be not good. There are two ways that we always live honestly and avoid damage to our hearts: the first is the nature IHSAN should remember, there is no deed and everything looks and feels seen God. Secondly, it should always remember that people will die.

By remembering the dead man realize that life is not long, and keeping in mind the dead man realizes that he is waiting to go home the divine presence.

With the remembrance of death, there is no delay for mercy on the agenda when one day later. All must be done with the best, honestly, and if you fall into sin repent quickly on the spot. And with the remembrance of death (which is ready to come anytime) then live through it carefully, not arbitrary because all are spoken and done has been well thought out.

The values ​​of honesty which is based on religious values ​​above parallel with the values ​​of moral ethics that applies generally. No exception in the world of education. Education is a place for humans to develop the values ​​of honesty, so that the output from the world of education is the human resources (human capital) that upholds the values ​​of honesty.

This is an ideal goal of education as the basis for learning honesty. As a wise man said, honesty is to leave home and school.

First learned that honesty is the honesty that exist within families and in schools. Believe it or not that in a good family or a good school, which laid the basis of religious understanding, we are always taught to always be honest. Living with honesty is always used as a path that will lead us to a safe position. And proven, today's world of formal education that serves an educational function is seen less as an institution reflects the honesty incubator.

Often heard dishonesty practiced behavioral events, such as violation of intellectual property rights with its growth and development patterns of copy and paste in the world of academic research, the appointment of teachers who are not honest with through nepotism, abuse of the budget for education, culture among sisiwa cheating, fraud in the certification and the Tagert times very slicing liver is the number of fraud in the implementation of the UN

Cheating is a form of dishonesty in the world of education that should ideally be a place of learning for children or even our own to learn honesty. The school has been the hope for us to build positive attitudes are noble, such as good moral in the sense of upholding the values ​​of honesty, courtesy, and so it is now increasingly vanish.

Therefore, it is necessary to position the school as a base to learn honesty is something final and crucial. The patterns of dishonesty in the world of education should have a very firm response from stakeholders and from all elements of the nation, including parents and students, so the school again became a very important role in fostering the values ​​of honesty Indonesian human resources.

Maintaining that trust as to maintain honesty easy to say but very heavy in the implementation. Fostering self to be honest and trustworthy in the discourse is not so simple, but requires a potential and a relatively long time. Because honestly it's part of the personality is the result of the process of internalizing values ​​that are very long and therefore need to create a shared commitment to honesty in ourselves and the children of our young generation.

Child-rearing patterns that tend to always mengkambing scapegoating objects or animals when our children make mistakes will imprint on the child that every mistake he did was a result of someone else, that awareness is strongly attached to adulthood when he has been a leader and make a mistake then it kesalahnnya he did not recognize as a mistake but he accused himself to his subordinates or to others as a scapegoat.

Nothing except the happiness of eternal happiness in heaven someday honest person, and no lasting afflictions but misery dishonest people in hell someday.

May be useful.

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